Monday, March 16, 2009

In My Face

Once I sailed peacefully across
The smooth surface of my face

Even my freckles floated with me
No ripples or craters to trap us

And still when I bring my hands up
All is smooth to the touch

But in the mirror are sunken pools
Beneath my eyes and

Crevices and cracks across the vast
White beach of my forehead

Maybe one day I will look
At the changing topography

And find rest, seek relief from
My worries and respite from stress

Maybe I’ll find cool in my sunken pools
Trace my fingers along the fissures

Then ease my soul into the cracks
And lines, find shelter when

There is no place to go
One day, one day, I hope this is so


  1. You capture my feelings about getting older so well. You are a wonderful, talented writer.

  2. Beautiful written - and I second Annie. I'm only 32 and I am not ready yet for what Time is doing to my face.

  3. Ah, to be 32, Raven's Wing! I just turned 40, and time seems to be accelerating on my face more rapidly that I could have predicted! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. This is a sad but serene commentary on aging. I love the ideas and images in this poem. Keep this up! :)

  5. Oh how appropriate and well timed for me to be reading your wonderful poem ! I am turning 43 on the 25th March eeeek ! (and am very much feeling the aging process!)
    You are a very talented writer/poet ! :)

  6. Beautiful meditation on the changes life writes on us. I like the hopeful ending.

  7. Thanks for stopping by, Sam, Jules and James. I'm glad you responded to this poem!

  8. This is both shocking and soothing to me, rather like learning to live with my changing face. Beautiful.
