Saturday, March 28, 2009


Cradled the frozen bulb in her mouth
Swaddled it in the velvet of her tongue
Awakened it with the warmth of her breath
Braced herself for the birth
Thrust the shoot through the gap in her teeth
And watched the bloom part her rounded lips
For readwritepoem's spring prompt.
art: "Tulip" by Georgia O'Keefe


  1. Had a little reading to catch up on here, work being WORK:>) Love, love, love your Lapis Lazuli poem. Am going to have to write that one down and reread it. Reminds me a bit of silently praying "Hail Mary" for some of my patients and hoping she comes to wait with them. And, love this poem. Perhaps you would allow me to post this on my site with a link to yours.
    Those 25 Things..are hard work, aren't they?? Interesting though.

  2. I would be honored if you posted this and linked to me on your site. Thanks for dropping by.

    Yes, those 25 things are hard work. I didn't think I would be able to come up with 25! :0)

  3. Hi!
    I just wanted to thank you for writing this poem. It is beautiful & powerful. Found you through A Tidings of Magpies. Also love the quotes on your sidebar, being a fan of both Pooh and Woolf. Well done!

  4. ds,

    Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm glad you like this poem. I've had the first line in my head for a few weeks, and when I sat down to do something with it, the rest came tumbling out. Glad you found me through A Tidings of Magpies--it's one of my favoirite sites!

  5. Love this poem so much. SO MUCH!
