distracted by shiny objects over at A Tidings of Magpies has tagged me with this meme. Here are the rules:
respond and rework
answer questions on your blog
replace one question
tag eight other people.
Paper Dreams and Other Things
Third Storey Window
Blissful Bohemian
A Walk in the Words
The Space Between Words
Gump and Gandhi Holding Hands
Athena Thoughts
If you've already been tagged with this, or if you're not interested, just ignore my tag. Otherwise, I look forward to your take on these questions!
Here are my answers!
1: What is your current obsession?
Poetry. I wrote a poem a day in April for National Poetry Month, and now am finding that the creative juices have slowed a bit. Perhaps I should challenge myself to write a poem a day, every day no matter what!
2: Which item of clothing do you wear most?Jeans. Definitely jeans. And in the winter, flannel pajamas.
3: What's for dinner?
I have yoga class tonight, so I'm not cooking. I have to go turn myself into a giant sweaty mess while surrounded by thin, impossibly graceful women. Believe it or not, it’s good for my self-esteem.
4: Last thing you bought?A green floral canvas bag/purse from Target. Only 9.99! It doesn’t match anything, but it’s so cheery!
5: What are you listening to? Allison Krauss. She has the voice of an angel. Gives me goose bumps.
6: If you were a god or goddess, who would you be? I’m not sure if I could handle being a goddess, but what about St. Erin, the patron saint of redheads? A few novenas to me will keep bullies on the kindergarten playground from calling you “carrot top” or telling you that your hair is on fire. Bury my statue upside down in your backyard, and huge shade trees will grow to protect your white, freckled skin from the sun. Lindsay Lohan could wear a medal with my image on it, and I would return her hair to its original red glory, restore her career, and put some healthy flesh back on those bones of hers.
7: Favourite guilty pleasure? General Hospital, and I will never be truly satisfied until they bring back Laura full time to the show and create a real story line for her. Luke’s allowed to get older, but the powers that be can’t write a storyline for a woman over 40? Yes, I’ve given this way too much thought…
8: Reading right now?
The Zero by Jess Walter and Trust Where You Are by Annie Coe.
9: Okay...what were you thinking about just then?How I am going to spoil my niece and nephew silly when they come visit me next week.
10: Who's your hero/heroine?distracted by shiny objects picked Dorothy Day, and I have to agree. I’ll add my husband, Rick, to the list (for very different reasons).
11: First spring thing?
12: Funniest thing you saw in your life? The Office. How is it possible that one sitcom can make me so very, very happy? Tied for second: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report.
13: Favourite film? The Secret of Roan Inish
14: Share some wisdom?
What can you do with your days but work & hope
Let your dreams bind your work to your play
What can you do with each moment of your life
But love til you've loved it away
Love til you've loved it away—Bob Franke
15: If you were a tree, what tree would you be and why?
Ooooo..this is the closest I will ever come to being interviewed by Barbara Walters. I would be a maple tree. I would look green and gorgeous in the spring and summer, and flame out with glory in the fall. And in the winter, I would actually shed some pounds. Plus, I could bring happiness to the world by contributing to maple syrup and maple bars. What could be better?
16: Fictitious characters who made a lasting impression on you? Jane Eyre. The only positive and profound thing I experienced in 7th grade was reading Jane Eyre.
17: 4 words to describe you? Red hair. Freckled writer. (I definitely have red hair and am freckled. I’m trying to be a writer).