Lydia at
Writerquake recently honored me with the Kreativ award. Lydia has a wonderful blog that I visit every day, so I am so thrilled that she would honor me with this!
The award does come with some instructions, which I am now dutifully following:
1. Post the award on your blog, and link to the person who gave you the award.2. List seven things you love.3. List seven blogs you love.4. E-mail or comment on those blogs to let the people know you’ve given them the award.
So here I go...
Seven things I love: 1. naps 2. tulips 3. babies 4. The Office 5. The Exultet sung at Holy Saturday mass 6. cheesecake 7. Angels baseball
Seven blogs I love:
1. Yipsandhowls --I just discovered this recently through readwritepoem, and I am really enjoying her poetry and her environmental consciousness. I also love that she is a "recovering academic."
2. Athenathoughts --This blog is by my much-missed California friend Tina, simply one of the most brilliant women on the planet.
3.GumpandGandhiholdinghands -- A wonderful place to go for whimsical artwork and words of inspiration.
4. Thinkingcities --Sam is not only a poet, but an accountant, dancer, and economist. I found his blog through readwritepoem as well.
5. Awalkinthewords -- This blog, by Wordacious, is a must for language lovers. Channel your inner linguist!
6. thespacebetweenwords -- I just love Angie's poetry!
7. Catapulttomars --Great poetry from a multilingual poet...